how we give

Smile Generation volunteers packing food in a food bank

Giving makes us smile. More importantly, it helps create healthier, happier communities.


239K people

provided clean and safe water since 2009

water canister

$117 million

of dentistry donated since 2010

sparkly tooth

19 playgrounds

built in communities across the country

kids playground

41 trips

serving around the world


Special Olympics International

We’ve partnered with Special Olympics International to support athletes and their caregivers in their journey to finding care and educating them on the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

Special Olympics logo

charity: water

771 million people lack access to clean water. That’s one in 10 of us, or about twice the population of the U.S. Clean water changes everything.

woman at watering hole

PDS Foundation

The mission of the PDS Foundation is to improve overall health by improving oral health, through opportunities to serve locally, nationally, and internationally.

PDS Foundation


Smile Generation is proud of our network of trusted dentists across the country who care about helping people in their local communities and around the world. When we come together to serve others, families grow stronger, bonds grow tighter, and friendships become firmer—all while communities in general (and smiles in particular) grow healthier and happier.

Smile Generation Serve Day

Smile Generation Serve Day is an annual day of service and part of a nationwide campaign of giving that focuses on providing donated dental care to underserved patients and community service projects across the country.




Hands holding jars and cans of food

Kaboom! Playgrounds

By building playgrounds throughout the communities we serve, we give kids the opportunity to play, grow and thrive.








Image of a young boy wearing a yellow sweater is celebrating with arms up