Justin Bortz,
about me
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, I am an avid outdoorsman. I resided in Idaho, Washington, Alaska, and Illinois prior to settling in Arizona. I love to travel and am always looking for new terrain to explore.
Professional Associations
American Dental Association
Academy of General Dentistry
Chicago Dental Society
Illinois State Dental Association
Arizona Dental Association
It is my mission to provide the highest level of care, optimizing your health and the longevity of your natural dentition. We will tailor your treatment to improve your oral health and provide you with the smile you deserve.
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry; Chicago, IL
Biomedical Sciences, Midwestern University College of Graduate Studies; Glendale, AZ
Biology, Emphasis on Societal Science Policy, Center for Biology and Society, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ